PuwA! 0.9 Beta 1
for Symbian S60 3rd edition Phones
by Cristian Villalba
Before everything: this game was tested ONLY in MY n95, I know that It could have many bugs, please send me an email and I will do my best.
Download it from here:
1 - Installation:
Install misty_selfsigned_infinite.sisx.
Install aXYZ_3rd_N95_1_0_2_unsigned.SIS
Install puwa_v1_2_3.sis in your phone. Make sure that you installed in the memory card and not in the internal memory.
Create a folder in your memory card called python and copy the 3d folder on it.
2 - Additional notes:
If you are smart you will notice that everything in the game could be modificable. Use your imagination and change it to you will. Send me some screenshots and I will upload it on the page.
Perhaps in a near future I will make a tutorial on how to do this, but right now the only clue that I could give you is "look into the 3d folder".
Thanks to Walter VelaZqueZ for its 2d art.
Thanks to cyke64 for its libraries.
Thanks to jethro.fn for Ensymble.
Thanks to Funky Remixes for the music.
Cristian Villalba
Refining the installation process
Hey there!,
Finally after 2 months of intense programming Puwa is finished. Right now I´m trying to make an easy install. I think I will have to investigate more on a tool that converts the py project into a sis file.
Keep in mind that you have to install the misty library (thanks cyke64) if you want the full experience(whoaaaaaaaaa)
Wait for news!
Finally after 2 months of intense programming Puwa is finished. Right now I´m trying to make an easy install. I think I will have to investigate more on a tool that converts the py project into a sis file.
Keep in mind that you have to install the misty library (thanks cyke64) if you want the full experience(whoaaaaaaaaa)
Wait for news!
A brand new puppet has been created!
As you could read in the title. It´s name is Puwa and is arriving to your N95 in a couple of days.
Puwa is a game written in PyS60. The primary objective is to cut its hair following a specific design by moving the N95.
Thanks to Walter Velazquez to help me with the 2d drawings, cyke64 for its library and also thanks to Funky Remixes for its great music.
No puppets were harmed during the development process.
Puwa is a game written in PyS60. The primary objective is to cut its hair following a specific design by moving the N95.
Thanks to Walter Velazquez to help me with the 2d drawings, cyke64 for its library and also thanks to Funky Remixes for its great music.
No puppets were harmed during the development process.
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